UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Recovery and Recovery and Recovery...

It's been a while since my last post, but I thought I would fill you all in on my recovery from gallbladder removal surgery.

Saturday night was the two weeks post-op mark and, quite frankly, I'm feeling pretty darn good. No pain except for the very rare twinge when I stretch out my right abdomen while raising my right arm above my head. Excellent.

So... really I should be getting back on the jogging routine shortly. I'm half looking forward to returning to my routine and feeling better, yet I'm also partially concerned about the inevitable decline in my skills these three weeks off will have resulted in.

Also - my slightly OCD mum keeps phoning me from Montreal and insists I "not rush into things" which is giving me a bit of pause. Damn mothers are even good at adding to your own doubt from afar.

So here is the new plan of action. I go home to Montreal on Saturday, the 25th and will return on Tuesday the 28th. Wednesday the 29th is a vacation day. I will start my running program anew that night.

Huzzah. Hoo and Ray.

In the meantime, the birthday 100 mile goal will need to be look at and recalibrated. A month off is definitely going to affect the mileage... I will almost certainly bring it down to the 70-80 mile mark.

1 comment:

Dave Fleet said...


I just found your blog, and wanted to say good luck with your recovery! Hope you're up to jogging again soon, and that you get back on track!

