UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Gallbladder Out, Percoset In

So surgery on Saturday night for to remove my gallbladder.

Returned home this morning. Painkillers are my new best friend.

My 100 mile plan is in serious jeopardy.

Send good vibes my way.


*lisa* said...

See? You are NOT a hypochondriac!!

Get well soon, but take it easy. Your health is way more important than 100 miles (but I think you can still do it!)

Unknown said...

i agree- health is WAY more important. take it easy and don't try to do too much!! you can get back on track once you're feeling better!

Robert Barker said...

Get better and take it easy. I am glad that you are recovering. Don't rush back too fast.

Anonymous said...

Hey there! good luck healing! and dont worry about the 100 mile goal, goals were made to be set and achieved. sometimes the time we set on ourselves and our goals gets shifted, but its the accomplishment that counts! take your time healing, you'll do better to be completely healed than starting too soon and reinjuring yourself! good luck! laura a friend of Rob's on runtolose.

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Take care and recover quickly. Your plan will stay in tact as long as you take your time and rest.


Dave said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Goals are there to push us -- and you have been pushed! Don't give a goal the power to hurt you more than it would if you hadn't worked towards it. Get healthy, reset your expectations, and go blow your previous self out of the water :).

Julie D said...

Wow, sorry to hear about your gallbladder problem. Looks like you caught it just in time!

Vishaal said...

Hey dear.. take care..

Get well soon.. and i do hope you complete the 100 miles though you have to be careful henceforth..