UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Lacklustre but something

My lungs were willing but my legs were not tonight.

Go figure.

I managed a puny 0.75 mile run/0.5 mile walk. Very disappointing. There were so many mini-walk breaks I lost count.

Oh well - it's nothing that a ton of stretching and a much deserved day off won't help (I hope)!


start time: 9:00 pm
1.25 miles

Total Walked (approx): 0.5 miles
Total Ran (approx): 0.75 miles

Legs - very tense and painful shins and upper legs... probably a result of two nights of running in a row
Lungs - fine for the first time!
Stomach - no problems
Sweat level - medium-low

Overall impression - bleh, but not a complete waste

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