UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

That... was a disaster

After not running for three days straight (two legitimate rest days + one heat related day off), I knew I had to get back out on the road tonight.

When I left the house at 9 pm, it was still over thirty degrees.


This was as close to a full-on disaster, step-backward jog as I have in the last three weeks.

Everything hurt. My legs. My stomach. Even my throat felt sore.

It didn't help that today was day one of my monthly visit from Aunt Flow either.


start time: 9:00 pm
1.25 miles

Total Walked (approx): 0.5 mile (YIKES!)
Total Ran (approx): 0.75 mile (DOUBLE YIKES!)

Legs - very, very pained shins
Lungs - wheezy, and my throat felt super sore - probably smog related
Stomach - really stitchy... I felt like an idiot holding my arms above the head to get rid of the cramp during one of my many walk breaks
Sweat level - high

Overall impression - the most craptastic run I have had so far


*lisa* said...

oh no!

Well, the bright side to a worst-ever craptastic run is that the next one can't possibly be any worse!

good luck - I really enjoy reading your blog.

Robert Barker said...

Keep it up, starting is the hardest part. What type of shoes are you using??? I had shin splints until I switched to a better quality shoe. Just a thought.

Elkerette said...

Rob, I bought an outrageously expensive pair of New Balance running shoes when I started this latest regimen a month ago.

My shins have never hurt me before yesterday... I've no idea why they suddenly decided to go on strike...