UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Morning Run

My first morning run in a long time.

Mornings are officially not for me. They should not exist. From now on, there is no such thing as a 5:45 wakeup time.

According to Environment Canada it is only 18 degrees outside... there must be a storm on the way because it is awfully humid out.

Oh... have I mentioned recently my love of cricket? ;)


start time: 6am
1.25 miles

Total Walked (approx): 0.5 miles
Total Ran (approx): 0.85 miles

Legs - shin issues again! I am going to have to start researching this
Lungs - back to wheeziness
Stomach - fine
Sweat level - high

Overall impression - another merely adequate run... tomorrow will be an attempt at something bigger


Robert Barker said...

Great job getting out there every day. Average runs are fine, I have lots of them. :)

*lisa* said...

Have you been to an actual running shoe store, where they watch you run and figure out what kind of shoes you need? It will do you wonders if you haven't. Also, I guess you probably know this, but a softer surface will probably ease the pain, concrete being the worst thing to run on. I try to run on the shoulder of the road instead of the sidewalk. Easy now, when campus is empty for the summer, but I might have to head to the sidewalk for safety when more cars are around!

Elkerette said...

I bought fancy schmany running shoes at New Balance when I started this whole running rigamarole.

I have never experienced shin pain of any sort before, and was far more concerned with my flatish feet.

The guy in the store looked over my stride and recommended a pair of shoes. When I still had my lovely little gravel track (it's locked and under repairs for the summer), I ran there with no problems. The switch to pavement has not been kind to my joints alas.

I often have to switch to the sidewalk when traffic is particularly bad. I live in downtown Toronto so this is just about everytime I run!

Oh well... essentially it will be one more month of this (12-16 running sessions) and I will be able to go back on the track.

Unknown said...

i hate morning runs too. I used to love them, until i ran at night. now i dread running in the morning. i think it is because i have to get up so early. and i hate getting up early!

sometimes with running on concrete, my knees hurt so i will alternate with running on the grass for a little bit and then back on the concrete. it seems to help with the pain. it might help with your shins too. it also trains your muscles in a different way because it is a different surface and they have to work differently.

Vishaal said...

I find that the mornings are the best time to enjoy a run.. I am an early riser and am out by 5:00 a.m. The moonlight creates a wonderful serene mood which helps me contemplate the day ahead on the run.