UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Warning... Battery Low

Was all ready to leave for my first back-to-back run (I went yesterday evening as well), turned on my MP3 player and saw "Warning - Battery Low".

I must have left the darn thing on all last night and today and completely drained it's power. Ooops...

30 minutes later and a quick emergency charge, I was back out on the road.

I actually felt pretty good again despite the relative heat - it had been very warm all day (low 30s) and the sun had been beating down pretty well. Luckily, once the sun set, it was fairly cool with a bit of a breeze steadily pushing me along.

The only difficulty I had tonight was with my shins which were definitely voicing their concern by the end of the jog.

Oh well - I am taking tomorrow off for sure and will probably wait until either Sunday (if I feel particularly enthusiastic) or Monday (much more likely!) for my next jog.


start time: 9:30 pm
1.25 miles

Total Walked (approx): 3/10 (0.30) mile
Total Ran (approx): 19/20 (0.95) mile

Legs - definite soreness in the fronts of my shins... pavement still sucks
Lungs - wheezy, but far less gasping than yesterday
Stomach - again some small stitchiness as I ran the last corner
Sweat level - less than yesterday's, still enough to leave me feeling soaked

Overall impression - less dog walkers than at 9... probably because it's a Friday night. My noticeable improvement in my enjoyment of these runs is making me think good things are on the horizon in terms of beefing my mileage/stretching out those run-walk intervals to greater distances.

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