UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Worse yet

That really sucked.

Sucked x 1000.

Suck to the power of infinite.

I had to skip yesterday's planned run because OA invited the neighbours for dinner unexpectedly. These are the same neighbours who, when OA brought up the fact that she and I are now running regularly, mentioned that last year both of them signed up for a completed an ultra-marathon.

That started in Toronto. And ended in Hamilton (that's about 50-60 miles...) When you are running to an area that is a pretty darn far CAR COMMUTE from your starting point, you must be crazy.

So tonight. 23 degrees. Not all that sunny. What the heck - I've run in hotter conditions.

I must have forgot to look at the data that would show that running tonight would involve moving through a greenhouse. Needless to say, it was the uber humidity that did me in.

I changed course halfway through to something shorter.

I ran no further than 0.25 miles at a time.

I actually stopped to hang over a street sign at one point in exhaustion.

It was not pretty.


start time: 8:30pm
1.35 miles

Total Ran (approx): 0.8 miles [EWWWWWWWWWW]
Total Walked (approx): a lot (okay, okay... 0.55 miles)

Legs - ow ow ow ow
Feet - fine
Lungs - wheezey
Stomach - adequate
Sweat level - at one point, I am sure people on the street thought I was crying from the amount of sweat pouring off my brow

Overall impression - really horrible... I was looking forward to tonight and yet I felt terrible throughout the whole ordeal

1 comment:

*lisa* said...

you and I are both learning that occasional suckiness is a fact of running. once again, the good news is that the next one will always be better!!

keep it up!