UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Am I Doing This Right???

After reading various online articles about proper running techniques and programs for beginners, I am becoming concerned that I am not on the right course.

In particular, the seemingly universal "if you can't hold a conversation because you are too out of breath slow down rule" is a major worry.

I can walk forever without any problems other than slightly sore feet. In fact, I often walk more than 20km at one go and hardly break a sweat.

On the other hand, very slow jogging of even a quarter mile leaves me huffing and puffing like the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood - nowhere near being able to talk about the weather to my jogging buddy.

The general message of the "easy conversation" rule seems to be to stick to walking if you are breathing with too much labour when you jog.

But I don't WANT to just walk - it would be like going backwards and would have much less of an effect on my overall positive feeling of this running routine.

Plus, it isn't like I am feeling - other than the huffing and puffing - like the running is all too hard. My body is not particularly sore post-routine... in fact I generally feel great after finishing a morning's training session.

Should I be concerned about being a Ms. Huffalot?

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