I ran two full 1/4 mile laps today for the first time, with only a short 1/8 mile walk in between!
Hoo and Ray!
This brings my total running vs. walking to 3/4 of a mile running (includes two half laps) and1/4 mile of walking.
The sense of accomplishment I felt when I finished the second of the two full laps was incomparable...
Last night OA, OA's daughters and I carbo-loaded on spaghetti with fresh grape tomatoes, bococinni cheese, basil and TONS of raw garlic. Yum.
Then we splurged on top of that by going for ice cream at Dutch Dreams - a quirky, local creamery that really knocked my socks off. We walked the 2k there and back which kind of made up for the calories. Kinda :)
wake-up time 5:45 (better than Wednesday!)
1 mile total (plus walking to and from track)
2 half circuits walking (1/4 mile), 2 half circuits running (1/4 mile), 2 full circuits running (1/2 mile)
Total Walked: 1/4 mile
Total Ran: 3/4 mile
Legs - tight in my thighs... nothing major
Lungs - not too bad considering it was hot and humid
Stomach - very stitchy at the end!
Sweat level - more than Wednesday's for sure... it was already above 20 degrees celcius when we left the house... and humid as all get out
Overall impression - managed to achieve my goal of running two full 1/4 mile laps in one training session which makes me very happy. Next stop will be to add in a third:
- 1 full lap running - 1/4 mile
- 1/2 lap walking - 1/8 mile
- 1 full lap running - 1/4 mile
- 1/2 lap walking - 1/8 mile
- 1 full lap running - 1/4 mile
1 comment:
Good Job! It's so hard to stick with a plan especially in hot, humid weather.
Don't worry about the "talk test". I huff and puff like an old geezer at the beginning of every run and I've been at it for years now! It just takes awhile to find my stride and settle into the right pace.
However, if you continute to huff and puff, you probably are running a little bit too fast for yourself at the moment. I've been amazed at how much easier running feels when I'm with a partner and we're both talking. It really does force you into a slower pace.
Keep up the good work and don't try to do too much too fast. Slow and steady wins the race. Or in my case just finishes the race! :)
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