UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Monday, June 4, 2007

Today was my first day of running a full quarter-mile! Huzzah! Hooray!

Unlike Saturday, which was my first day running without the slowing force of a 7 year old companion with short legs, I purposely tried to maintain a slow steady pace. My stride has also becoming more gliding and less like a dressage horse.

(the image above is a random Google Image Search of what I thought I looked like on Saturday morning with my high kicking knees!)

OA, my housemate, thinks that I should be pushing myself more which got me a little peeved given that this was the first day I ran a full lap of the track. I figure I have to go on what my own body tells me and just ignore what others say... I feel like I'm getting a good workout each morning!

The one HUGE advantage of today was the steady spritzing of rain combined with cooler temperatures... it was like running in a pleasant shower. Wednesday (the next scheduled run day) should be cloudy in the morning and cool as well. I'm looking forward to that as well!


wake-up time 5:45 am
1 mile total (plus walking to and from track)

3 half circuits walking (3/8 mile), 3 half circuits running (3/8 mile), 1 full circuit running (1/4 mile)

Total Walked: 3/8 mile
Total Ran: 5/8 mile

Legs - okay
Lungs - better than Saturday, but not as good as earlier last week
Stomach - fine
Sweat level - it was hard to tell if I was sweaty or just wet from the rain

Overall impression - I'm very happy about the one full circuit but next time want to try to cut back on the walking a big by adding an extra full circuit. That way, I will have walk a quarter kilometre in total and ran 3 quarters.

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