UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Friday, July 27, 2007

20 mile mark!

I officially am 1/5 of the way through my goal of running 100 miles by by 24th birthday on November 3.


Tonight's was a fairly uneventful run... 22 degrees with 85% humidity for a humidex rating around 30 degrees. So sweat coursing down my face was a bit of a problem.

I'm now off to watch Episode 6 of HBO's Flight of the Conchords... I am obsessed with this show. Two New Zealand guys in a folk band go to New York and hijincks ensue. The fact that their music and lyrics are so hilarious while they portray being absolutely serious about their music careers... gets me everytime.

One of my favourite songs of theirs is a satiric version of Puff the Magic Dragon. The humour is dry so be warned!

Albi the Rascist Dragon


start time: 9:30pm
1.85 miles

Total Ran (approx): 1 miles [improvement after yesterday's debacle!]
Total Walked (approx): 0.85 miles

Legs - good
Feet - fine
Lungs - good
Stomach - more acid reflux related pangs
Sweat level - soaking

1 comment:

Robert Barker said...

Great job on your running, the video clip is very funny.