UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Salsa (dancing), Salsa (condiment), Jogging

The annual "Salsa on St. Clair Avenue" street festival took place this weekend. It was a soggy, cold and generally weather miserable two days for the latin community in my neighbourhood, but that didn't stop a few hundred people from getting together.

Oh... it also didn't stop me from eating two wonderful chicken and chorizo sausage tacos with great salsa verde AND two churros.

World peace can be attained by having ever nationality and religion share their ethnic deep-fried dough dish with their enemies. Seriously. I should contact the UN with this proposal.

Peace by doughnuts is the way to go!

It was also yet another running day. Today was much less painful than Friday's. Those days off really help.

The problem today was mental fortitude. I know how long I can jog for... why then do I suddenly find myself losing track of what my feet are doing and come to an abrupt stop in my forward momentum? It's like a switch gets turned off in my head.

A few seconds of walking after this "turn off" and I am able to start up again. It just kills any sense of progress I have.

Oh well.

Tomorrow I get to see a press preview of the Hairspray movie with OA, OAelder and OAjunior and am very excited. In preparation, we sang along to youtube karaoke tracks of the OBCR (that's Original Broadway Cast Recording for all you non-musical theatre geeks!)


start time: 9:00 pm
1.35 miles (more than normal... made up for the sudden tiny walk breaks here and there)

Total Walked (approx): 0.4 miles
Total Ran (approx): 0.95 miles

Legs - twinges in my shins here and there - the first leg of the course was fine
Lungs - no big issues... my wheezing is definitely improving
Stomach - fine
Sweat level - medium

Overall impression - a good, adequate jog. I must break through my mental/physical 1 mile block... let's hope the music from Hairspray helps on Tuesday!

1 comment:

*lisa* said...

Maybe you should try running a different route, or running the one you have backwards ... then your head won't know where you usually have to stop and walk ... or just push yourself consciously to a landmark just a little further away ... or 20 more seconds, or whatever.