UPDATED Goal: Run 72 miles - 24 X 3 - by November 3, 2007 (My 24th Birthday!)

Friday, July 20, 2007

A Great Friday Evening

Because I work for a University with a very powerful Quebec-based union (please don't ask why I am in Toronto, it's a long story), I get every Friday from St. Jean Baptiste Holiday (June 24) to Labour Day as a paid holiday.

It is lurvely.

I spent this "Summer Friday" - as they are known - sleeping in until 11 and then puttering about in my pajamas until 5pm. 5pm!!! The best day ever.

I then made homemade falafel for OA, OAelder and OAjunior, and for payback, required they watch the PBS Live from Lincoln Centre performance of Broadway's "The Light in the Piazza". This show simply makes me happy. Plain and simple. Joy.

The joy extended into my evening run. I was only supposed to run 1 mile today, but was able to stretch in an extra 0.15 of a mile - my longest jog ever!

My right foot went numb again, but this time much further into my session... really only with one tiny bit left to go.

Oh well.

It was nice and cool - only 18 degrees celcius, with a very firm breeze that cooled me off the whole way.


start time: 9:45pm
1.85 miles

Total Ran (approx): 1.15 miles
Total Walked (approx): 0.7 miles

Legs - not much of a problem
Feet - right foot numb for last quarter mile
Lungs - good
Stomach - some momentary stitches
Sweat level - high

Overall impression - a great way to start the weekend!


Vishaal said...

Takes a lot of willpower to keep running daily... With me it is an on off thing.

Anonymous said...
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Robert Barker said...

You are doing great, keep it up.